Amata Hails Final Treasury Rule for Hospital Infrastructure and Other Projects


Date: Jan. 19, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Uifa'atali Amata is hailing the final rule from the U.S. Treasury Department, which provides authoritative guidance to use substantial federal funding under the American Rescue Plan Act for infrastructure projects, with possibilities including hospital infrastructure, water/sewer updates, or removing and replacing old lead pipes.

Under the new Treasury rule, finalized this month, applications from American Samoa Government for spending projects over $10 million with American Rescue funds -- already allocated to American Samoa -- can go forward following application with justification, needs demonstrated, and approval from Treasury. The rule could allow ASG to redirect upwards of $100 million to key infrastructure developments like improvements to LBJ hospital and lead pipe remediation.

"I'm encouraged by this rule, and that the Treasury Department has already approved a similar plan for a project in Guam, so we appear to have a good path forward," Congresswoman Amata said. "This shows the Treasury Department seems inclined to support territorial applications to spend American Rescue Plan dollars on our biggest needs. In American Samoa, we have a clear case under this Treasury rule for spending American Rescue funds on lasting infrastructure improvements, likely justified under the rule by our population and economic factors. I want to thank Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen for the options opened up to American Samoa under this rule, and I want to congratulate Governor Lemanu P.S. Mauga and Lt. Gov. Talauega E.V. Ale."
